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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

[TUI command] How can I orient a csv profile with Fluent 18.2?


    • dengdeng


      I am using Fluent 18.2 on a supercomputer where I have to use TUI commands to orient a csv profile. With Fluent 2019R, the command is as follows: define/profiles/orient-profile, however, in Fluent 18.2, there's no sub-command called "orient-profile" in define/profiles. Since the Ansys installed in the supercomputer is version 18.2, I have to find out the solution of this problem. I have posted a thread on cfd-online forum but got no reply : (

      Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!


    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      Have you checked the TUI Manual of release 18.2? Probably that menu was not existing in the past so that a workaround is to orient the profile interactively save it / or save with case and then run in batch.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      We used to use Excel to orient profiles. As Amine suggests orient locally or get the cluster updated.
    • dengdeng
      Thank you for your suggestions!
      I have checked 'ANSYS Fluent Text Command List' for release 18.2 but it does not help. I understand that it's easier to orient locally, however, my csv data is too large (around 1 GB) and it seems Fluent is not able to read it locally on my PC (when the csv size is not that large, say several Mb, it's possible to be oriented locally) - this is why I have to use a cluster. The cluster belongs to my University, so it's not easy to update the software.
      There might be some other method to orient data files in Fluent, could you please give me any advice?

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      1 GB? Insane.. Do you have a profile for the whole domain? The only one method is then to use Excel or Python (better Python due to large file) but why so large?
    • dengdeng
      Thanks for your reply!
      Yes, indeed it is a profile for the whole domain. I am working on an LES case with a flat plate. At the beginning, I simply built half of the flow field (including only the upper surface of the flat plate) to obtain a solution for alpha=0deg, and now I need to add an angle of attack to the flow field and both the upper and the lower surfaces are the objects of my study. Thus, I would like to use the converged solution to initialize the whole domain (By firstly converting dat file into a csv profile, then orient it and finally assigning the original profile and the oriented profile to the upper and the lower part of the flow field respectively).
      By using Python, yes, I could orient the profile, however, I am not sure if fluent is able to read it. Actually I am stuck in reading the profile, it seems fluent need a lifelong time to read a one-GB-profile... Anyway, I'll give it a try
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      We use interpolation files for cell zones. Profiles are for surface boundaries. The interpolation files are also (usually) human readable, so you can edit these to give both sides of the domain as necessary.
    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      Sincerely: I will run a RANS prescursor simulation on full domain, quantify the mesh requirements and time step requirements, Adjust it, run it again and then switch LES and initialize with instantaneous velocities based on that RANS simulation.

      I won't do the way you do.
    • dengdeng
      Rob, DrAmine:
      Thanks for your kind reply!
      Finally I decided to follow DrAmine's advice, run a simulation with full domain by RANS and then switch to LES.
      Thanks again!
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