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TUI command for title on latest version’s

    • luist
      How do I turn on the title display on the Graphics window by TUI commands on previous versions of Fluent? (2019R3,2019R2...)nThe command /preferences/appearance/titles yes are not available on those.
    • Surya Deb
      Ansys Employee
      Hello, nYou can use the command /display/set/titles nRegards,nSuryann
    • luist
      Hi Sdeb,nBut this command set a string on determined location. like the image:nWhat I need is the GUI display the titles which shows me some configurations of the case, like the image below:nnIf I perform the command / preferences / appearance / titles yes in 2020R2 version, the result is like the image aboven
    • Surya Deb
      Ansys Employee
      I see. Then can you please try this command?n/display/set/windows/text visible? yesnThis should turn it on.n
    • luist
      It worked!nThank you sdeb! n
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