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transient thermal’s solution problem

    • n2390n

      Hello, I'm facing a problem that other users have encountered.

      Based on previous posts, I've noticed that other users have encountered similar issues. I've read through their posts, but I still can't seem to resolve the problem myself.

      I checked the guidelines in Workbench. The handbook provides a formula that suggests users should use appropriate timestep sizes. However, I'm not sure about this cuz my results seem incorrect.(negative TEMP)


      timestep 20



      A five-layer rectangular prism model (8000*1600*1 um) with a mesh size of 0.4 um, where the top layer provides heat flux.


      and the initial temperature of the model is 22



      And after confirming the material properties, there are no errors in the settings. Could anyone tell me where I may have missed something in the settings that led to results contradicting physical phenomena?

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee




      Except of using smaller time step (try that , so calculate dt time step as shown here :

      also the mesh and it size can influence.

      See here for more info:

      All the best




    • n2390n

      hi, Erik:

      are u suggest using different mesg sizing setting? 

      this pic shows my setting for this case

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      I would suggest to really look through the posts in detail:

      Mesh related:

      Time step related:

      All the best and hope this info helps


    • n2390n

      got it, thx alot

      Will try it through

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