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Transient Heat Using FDTD Pabs as Import Heat Source

    • Ayoub NAOUI
      Hello everyone,
      I am trying to use Lumerical FDTD with Lumerical HEAT to simulate the photothermal heating and cooling . Following from this example in plasmonic nanostructures (Photothermal heating in plasmonic nanostructures – Lumerical Support), I have first simulated a rectangle on a substrate in FDTD with a SMF fiber to determine the absorbed power (Pabs: using the Pabs adv analysis group) in my rectangle. I managed to calculate the power and save the .mat file.
      My problem now is within HEAT, as I am struggling to adapt the example simulation to allow for transient heat simulations. Currently, I am able to use the FDTD Pabs data as the imported heat source, and I can simulate the temperature distribution as a result of this imported heat source. My problem now is with HEAT, as I'm having difficulty adapting the simulation example to allow transient heat simulations. At present, I'm able to run the simulation in steady-state mode, but my objective is to run the simulation in transient mode, so as to see the impact of the pulse duration on the temperature distribution evolution of my rectangle.
      I've tried using the source shutter parameters on Heat's transient window to define a pulse, but I can't find any difference of temperature distribution when varying the pulse duration between 50nS and 500nS. I am unsure how to go about this as I do not want to set my own transient temperature/power boundary condition.
      Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!
    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Ayoub,

      Thank you for reaching out to us! Unfortunately, I can not think of an alternative other than creating a temperature boundary condition with bc mode transient.

      Kind Regards,


    • Ayoub NAOUI

      Hi Niki, 

      Thank you for your reply. The problem for me in using the bondary condition to create temperature is that the absorption in my rectangle is not uniform. Whereas using a power source in my rectangle gives an almost uniform heat distribution. 
      Kind Regards,
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