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Transient fluid flow

    • Mohamed Ramon
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please repost the question. 

    • Mohamed Ramon

      If i want to make a 2D transient simulation for air flow inside a pipe for about 20 sec, how can i set the time step size and number  of time steps in order to agree with the Courant Number (note that the cell size is 1*1 mm and air velocity is 5 m/s

    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Mohammed,

      Can you describe your issue? I can only see the title (Transient fluid flow).

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      OK, so you can calculate the time for the flow to cross one cell. As a starting time step aim for around 1/10 of that value. You then need enough time steps to reach the desired flow time of 20s. 

      I assume the 20s is a few residence times of the pipe and that you're monitoring something to determine whether you've reached equilibrium or whatever result you want to see evolve in the data. 

    • Mohamed Ramon

      Can we chat on meesenger 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Staff are only able to communicate via the Forum. 

    • Mohamed Ramon

      aha it's okay, I'm sorry 

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