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 Transient analysis is not currently supported for cyclic symmetry models.

    • ashishkumar.gupta

       *** ERROR ***                           CP =      32.188   TIME= 12:42:42
       Transient analysis (ANTYPE,TRANSIENT) is not currently supported for    
       cyclic symmetry models.                                                 

       *** ERROR ***                           CP =      33.984   TIME= 12:42:42
       The model data was checked and there were errors found.            

      What are the alternatives?

    • Lydia
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Ashish,

      As it is stated in the documentation Chapter 4: Cyclic Symmetry Analyses (ansys.com)

      "Transient analyses are not supported, with the exception noted in Static Cyclic Symmetry Analysis. "

      As a workaround Cyclic symmetry for transient structural analysis can be inserted in the model by usining a Command Snippet with command CPCYC under “Transient” of “Tree Outline” of the model.



      cpcyc,all,,1,,90 !!! cylindrical coordinate system 1, location increments 90 degree

      allsel,all /solu

      CPCYC (ansys.com)

    • ashishkumar.gupta


      Thank you for your response. So I am simulating radially loaded Deep Groove Ball Bearing with 9 balls. I have modeled only 1 ball = 40° out of 360°. So the code would change to:



      1. Am I right?

      2. Since this is radially loaded ball bearing, the load on each ball/sector (40°) would NOT be same. Then should I still proceed with Cyclic Symmetry or Normal Symmetry is preffered?

      3. I will continue this modeling for FSI (MEch-Fluent). So the SAME symmetry needs to be modeled there for oil flow in Ansys Fluent?


       4. Is it not possible to elminate the symmetry option and just apply some constraints on both the sides so I am only focusing on 40° model making my simulation analysis easier.

      Thank you !


      UPDATE: Transient structrural does not work with Cylic Symmetry even if we use the command snippet as u mentioned. 

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