General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Transfer Reactions Forces to Another Simulation – Static Structural

    • lvelasquez


      I´m doing a test bench analysis for a motor-motor generation and I decided to break the structure in two parts: the structure per se and the holding part for the motors.

      The analysis for the upper part is already done, but I´m trying to use the reactions forces of this simulation as inputs for the other one. Is this possible?I know there is sub-modelling, but I think this is not exactly the case. 

      Ansys won´t let me just "click and drag" the results from workbench and connect it to the other system. I tried using the "Imported Load File (Result File)" and I have multiple ".rst" files so I don´t know which one to select.

      This is the "upper" part, is very simple, the supports are the white imprints in the green square. 

      This is the "lower" part of the test bench, to which I´m trying to transfer the results: red areas.



    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      Best way is to extract in a manual way the reactions from the total model and then have a refined model of the skid imposing these reactions manually at these locations where the parts is attached to skid (so areas shown in second image).

      So is sum. just apply the reactions on your own to the model (submodel and drag and drop can not do that for you)

      All the best



    • lvelasquez

      Hi Erik, 

      Thanks for your quick reply.

      So when you say manually, I should take the force reaction and moment reaction (from the tabular data) from each support and "copy & paste" their value changing their direction, right?




    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee

      Yes, exactly what i meant.


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