LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

Too high contact forces

    • camilla.gironi4

      Hi everyone, i'm using Workbench Ls-Dyna explicit dynamics. 

      My simulation involves a frictional contact between a plane (modelled as rigid body) and a line body (modelled with beams). I'm obtaining too high contact forces from the interaction between the structures. What could this be due to?

      Thank you in advance, 


    • Ram Gopisetti
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Camila, 

      What do you mean by high contact forces? For beams, you need to use AUTOMATIC_SINGLE_SURFACE and then apply the force transducer to that contact as recommended. 

      Have you used some sort of filter here? It would be great if you could be given some context for your problem with some inline images.

      Cheers, Ram 

      • camilla.gironi4

        Hi Ram, thank you for your suggestion.

        In my simulation a rigid plane moves in the direction of a line body modelled with beams. A frictional contact (CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_NODES_TO_SURFACE) is defined between the rigid plane and the line body, and a frictional body interaction (AUTOMATIC GENERAL) is defined to avoid self-contact of the line body.

        I am evaluating the resultant reaction contact force (RCFORC) between the plane and the line body but the values are higher than expectations. Can this be due to any simulation parameter?

        Thanks, Camilla

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