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to restart the analysis from previous file when it already reaches 10000

    • tayyaba.bano

      Hi all,

      I have a question from the error on ansys workbench system coupling :

      'System coupling run completely with errors. Transient Structural (solution) reported: You may not restart using the result file from the previous analysis since the number of results it already exceed the maximum of 10000 Rename the previous results file and restart thereby creating a new results file.'

      I have three results file in dpo-SYS-MECH i.e file.rst, file0.rst and file1.rst. Should I have to rename all of them? and also can I open the previous results files after running the new simulation over 10000?

      Kind regards


    • danielshaw
      Ansys Employee

      Are you certain that the maximum number of restart files is 10,000?  I thought that it was 1,000.  Either way, the maximum number of restart files is hard coded.  You cannot change it.  However, the RESCONTOL command can be used to overwrite pevious restart files, so when the solver reaches the limit it overwrites existing files.  Something like:


      The -1 in the MAXFILES field should instruct the solver to reset the counter and overwrite previous restart files.



    • tayyaba.bano


      thank you very much for your reply, I am not exactly sure whether this is because of restart files because my time step is 0.001 sec and i have run the simulations for 10 sec already i.e with 10, 000 time steps, I guess so after 10sec i am unable to run further. Also I tried to rename the result file and right after that it dissappear from the folder and missing from the result files.

    • danielshaw
      Ansys Employee

      you need to check ths solve.out file to see the number of solved steps and error message.  I believe that the maximum number of restart files is 1,000, but maybe it has been increased recently.  What release of the software are you using?

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