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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Time steps in transient simulation

    • Mohamedramon77


      In a transient fluid flow simulation of air inside pipe, i set the number of time steps as 6000 and 0.01 step size. Can i stop the solution running after just 2000  time-step and get the results for just 20 sec of simulation? Or will that affect the results?

      In a transient fluid flow simulation of air inside pipe, i set the number of time steps as 6000 and 0.01 step size. Can i stop the solution running after just 2000  time-step and get the results for just 20 sec of simulation? Or will that affect the results?

      In a transient fluid flow simulation of air inside pipe, i set the number of time steps as 6000 and 0.01 step size. Can i stop the solution running after just 2000 time-step and get the results for just 20 sec of simulation? Or will that affect the results?

    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      It's important to note that stopping the simulation early might affect the results, especially if the flow has not fully developed or reached a steady state by 20 seconds. In some cases, such as when dealing with high continuity residuals, it's suggested to reduce the timestep, aiming for an optimum of 10-15 iterations per time step.

    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      Did you monitor any parameter to check convergence? If not I suggest you to do so.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You can stop a Fluent run at any time and check the results. Assuming each time step converges you'll then have the result for some time of that flow interacting with your initial conditions. Whether that is what you want to see, and what you think you want to see, are entirely different questions, and not something we can easily answer. 

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