General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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time step too small error

    • Tenkist

      I'd like to run a simulation of the projectile piercing thick armor, but calculations do not even reach half the end time. I read everything I found on the Internet about this error. I tried geometric erosion (beside material faliure), erosion on minimum time step, mass scalling, in various combinations. My example settings: minimum time step 5e-12, mass scalling 5e-11, erosion on minimum time step 1e-11.

      I notice that it always ends with huge energy jump.

      I change minimum time step to very small values like e-14, after long time got time step too small error again. 

      Any ideas? 

      I read that change tet mesh to hex could help, but i don't how to make it for projectile. I can't find "body fitted cartesian" method.

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