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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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time integration option


      Hi I work on a tranisent model, i have to define a moving load, but i don't find the time integration option in the analysis settings?    

      Could any one help please 

    • Sampat Kumar
      Ansys Employee

      From the picture, it seems that you are running MSUP transient. When you run the MSUP transient then the time integration is default "ON'. you can put the time step as per your requirement. If I am missed something then please elaborate on the question. 

      Best Regards,


      Hi Sampat,

      thanks very much for your answer,

      In fact, i have to carry out a transient analysis following on from a static analysis, i read in the forum that i have to follow three steps with activating and deactivating time integration option, but i cannot find this option 

      Best regards

    • Sampat Kumar
      Ansys Employee

      Hi TAOUFIK,
      Could you kindly share the forum discussion here that you are following so that I might provide you better advice regarding this?

      Best Regards,


      Hi Sampat 



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