General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Timber frame shear wall using beam connections


    • hs04my


      i am trying to make this model in ansys .

      I have implemented the material properties for the nails, the timber and the sheating material.

      i have tried several model types such as beams, solid and shells. My problem is when i apply even a small horizontal load of 1kn, the forces are only absorbed in the nails and are not distributed.

      the nails are placed with 100mm of spacing on each of the studs. I hope someone can. i have linked a picture and similar sub from a few years ago solving the same problem

    • mohan.urs
      Ansys Employee

      The forum thread you have already linked seems to explain the best setup for your problem. Without seeing the model it is difficult to understand what might be going wrong in your model. So i would suggest you include pictures of your setup like mesh, BC and results which are not making sense so that it helps others to understand the problem and your model.

      Mohan Urs

    • hs04my


        For this model i have done the following( i have tried different variations)

      • the sheating material is modelled as a shell element
      • Both the top and bottom plate is modelled as solid elements
      • Nails are modelled as solid elements ( alsto tried with beams). the holes for the nails are made in inventor and imported
      • the contacs between the nails and the holes are created as bonded 
      • the contact between the studs and sheating are frictionless
      • the contact between the bracket and studs are bonded
      • i have attached some photos to show the results. if needed i can also attach the full model.
    • hs04my


      This is with a force of 1kn showed on this picture


      Thank you for your time

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