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THz Antenna

    • 2mmm2

      Hi, I am trying to simulate a planar antenna placed on high permittivity substrate, this structure is on turn place on an electrically large Silicon lens. This problem would be computationally demanding to solve with the traditional FEM+Radiation-Box method, and I was wondering if there is a correct alternative way to simulate this structure, I had a look at various methods based on IE (For example by using one of the Integral-equation or methods or by appropriately defining some hybrid FE-BI regions, etc.), but those are usually employed for electrically large conducting objects and not for dielectric ones as in my case.

      Hopefully, you could suggest me a proper way to simulate this structure.  

      Thank you.

    • rtk
      Ansys Employee


      Could you please share some snapshots of the antenna model, mainly how they are placed on the Silicon Lens, so that I can guide you accordingly.



    • 2mmm2

      Dear rtk, thank you for your help. The model of the antenna is the one in the picture, and as you can see the substrate (and the antenna on top of it) are much smaller than the lens diameter.

      P.S: The solution frequency needs to be 1 THz 


    • 2mmm2

      Nobody has idea?

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