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Thermal FEA – convection

    • Mayur.Lokhande

      Red coloured bodies are at 100 degree and oval shape body is kept apart from hot bodies. due to natural convection it should show some gradient of temperature but it is showing 22 Ambient temperature only. Please suggest how to model this

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee


      Are you using Fluent or some other Ansys product for your application?

    • Mayur.Lokhande

      Transient thermal module

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator



      To model convection, please define convection boundary condition - which requires defining film coefficient and temperature. In addition please refer to the following courses:

      Intro to Heat Transfer | Ansys Innovation Courses

      Topics in Heat Transfer Analyses | Ansys Courses



      Ashish Khemka

    • Mayur.Lokhande

    • Mayur.Lokhande

      The eliptical component is not having any effect of temperature though it is close to rectangle component which is at 100degree C. In actual due to 100degree temp. of rectangle component surrounding air should be heated up and the eliptical component should show temp higher than ambiet..right

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