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[Thermal Desktop] Nothing at all is displayed on screen

    • remi.gerard-marzan

      Hello everyone,


      I'm not quite sure "General Mechanical" is the relevant section to ask questions about Thermal Desktop, but none seems to fit that much to me.

      I'm working on a project linked with SpaceClaim through TD Direct (we're speaking AutoCAD 2021, Thermal Desktop 2024 R2 and SpaceClaim 2024 here). For some reason, after a while, the mesh that I have been importing from SpaceClaim disappears completely from the screen. See here:

      It worked perfectly fine for days, mind you. And if one takes a look at the model browser, we can see that my finite elements and surfaces are still here, just not visible anymore.

      I've been trying to reset AutoCAD view to default, or that kind of things, to no avail.

      Best regards,


    • Doug Bell
      Ansys Employee

      In the gray area of the Model Browser window, the layer containing the elements is shown as frozen, which turns off visibility.

    • remi.gerard-marzan

      Hello Doug, nice hearing from you again! I was thinking that maybe this question ought to have been posted on the old C&RTech forum.

      I have followed your advice and reactivated said layer, by right-clicking on one element and picking "activate layer for selected object". To no avail. The following screenshot will show you that all my layers are active, yet nothing appears on screen all the same.


    • Doug Bell
      Ansys Employee

      I am at a loss. I see that surfaces are globally on and that the layers are on and thawed. You can type UNISOLATEOBJECTS to be sure that object isolation hasn't been accidentally applied.

      Please see if your group can get any service packs for AutoCAD and also be sure you are using SP2 for Thermal Desktop.

      It appears you are using AutoCAD - French. Is that correct? This may be something we need to test.

      Can you check the visibility of the mesh controller object? Is it also hidden from view?

    • remi.gerard-marzan

      Hello again Doug and happy new year!


      I have checked the visibility of the mesh controller object. It is turned on, and in theory I should be able to see yet, yet I do not. 

      Indeed, I am using AutoCAD in French. But unless there has been a stealth update, I don't see why that should factor in: it worked just fine at the start of the project.

      I do not have access to service packs as far as I know, and I do not know what they are nor what is SP2 for Thermal Desktop.


    • remi.gerard-marzan

      I have made some headway on this topic. I have created an entirely new project, where I have been linking a scdoc file through TD Direct. The following appears on my screen. So far, so good.

      Now, if I want to modify the viewpoint by clicking on any face of the orientation cube located at the upper right corner of the screen :

      The orientation complies, but at the end of the rotation, the model suddenly disappears.

    • Doug Bell
      Ansys Employee

      Type _Vernum and post the value that is returned.

    • remi.gerard-marzan

      I've typed it both before and after performing the model-disappearing operation. In both cases, I got the following.

      _VERNUM= "R.172.0.0 (UNICODE)" (read-only)

    • Doug Bell
      Ansys Employee

      Try this AutoCAD update

    • remi.gerard-marzan

      Sorry, I'm not seeing anything. Which AutoCAD update are you referring to?

    • Doug Bell
      Ansys Employee

      Oops! I forgot to paste. https://help.autodesk.com/view/ACD/2021/ENU/?guid=AUTOCAD_2021_UPDATES I assume the language packs are applied after the update. 

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