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Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

The Quad Mesher Failed on one or more faces. (Ansys-Meshing Warning)

    • smalbro93

      I am trying to to get a structured 2D mesh (using face meshing) for a square cylinder in a rectangular domain. I am using the Number of Divisions (on edges) with Bias. I need to make the mesh fine at the cylinder walls. As I mesh the geometry I get the error:

      • I noticed that as I made the mesh finer, the mesh suddenly became unstructured.
      • I could solve this by decreasing the Mesh Element Size by editing the Element Size setting after selecting Mesh from the Project Tree.

      As I continue meshing even this method doesn't work and I get the following error:

      • "The Quad Mesher failed on one or more faces." and
      • "Quad map meshing failed on one or more surfaces. A surface could be narrow with many boundary edges which may not have paired up for meshing. Using hard size controls on the boundary edges to force the same number of divisions might help.

      What I have tried:

      • I tried decreasing the element size in hopes that it would work but it didn't
      • For the divisions, I have set the behavior setting to hard and still it doesn't work.
      • If I suppress all edge sidings I have specified and mesh them individually it works and there is no error. But the moment I un-suppress all the edge sizing and update the mesh, the mesh becomes unstructured.
      • I have also tried assigning individual faces to separate Face Meshing just in case but that didn't hep either.

      I would appreciate any insights on this one. It's for my project. I am also attaching the screen shots for the mesh. Please let me know if any other info is required to solve this issue. I would really appreciate your help and time. Thanks.

    • Karthik Remella
      Hello,nSince this is a Fluids simulation, the first thing I'd do is to set the 'Physics Preference' (under details of 'Mesh') to Fluent. Next, I'd definitely provide specific edge sizing (number of divisions and the necessary biasing) for every single edge in your geometry. This will make the meshing tool pick these dimensions explicitly.nPlease try these are let us know if the behavior improves.nThanks.nKarthik
    • smalbro93
      nDear Mr. Kremella,I just want to let you know that YOU ARE AMAZING! It worked.nBest regards,nnnn
    • Karthik Remella
      Hi,nGlad it worked. Please mark this it as the Answer and good luck with your modeling efforts.nKarthikn

      Hi, I am facing the same problem,failing quad mesh or face meshing.Though we had the physics preference as CFD (Fluent)

      I have attached the snap of my mesh below. 

      Whether surface body thickness shoul zero or default?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      As you have a separate thread I'll close this one. 

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