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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

The Problem of Pressure Data Transfer between Two Fluent Computing Models

    • wang wen bo

      Hello everyone, I have a question about the data transfer between two FLUENT models. FLUENT can extract the pressure at the outlet over time after completing the calculation of a transient flow field, which can be used as an inlet boundary condition for another model. If it can be achieved, please share the solution. Thank you very much

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee


      Did you try using Profile option in File > Write > Profile?

      • wang wen bo

        Thank you for your answer, but is this operation only applicable to steady-state pressure transmission, and can it also be used for transient calculations?


    • Essence
      Ansys Employee

      Writing the profile data is available for transient cases also.

      • wang wen bo

        Okay, thank you very much for your answer. I'll give it a try

      • wang wen bo

        Hello, after calculating the transient flow field, only the information of the last time step is extracted from the preflie file. May I know how to extract the information of all time steps

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee

      Did you try using Execute commands in Calculation Activities? You need to use TUI commands to write the profile. Just add the "-%t" after the profile name to append the name with the time. Try TUI command of /file/write-profile to see if this helps.

      • wang wen bo

        Thank you very much for your answer, but as a beginner, I am not very familiar with TUI commands. Can you help explain or provide some reference materials

    • wang wen bo



    • Essence
      Ansys Employee

      Here is the Ansys guide link for TUI commands:


      • wang wen bo

        Thank you very much for the information you provided. When exporting the profile file, did I use the File-export-proflie operation and add -% t when naming the file?

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee

      If you want to manually add the name to the profie you can use File > Export/Write > Profile and enter the desired name. But if you automate the process it is better to use Execute commands. You need to use -%t for TUI commands.

      Did I answer your question?

      • wang wen bo

        Thank you very much for your answer. I understand what you mean now

      • wang wen bo

        Hello, I apologize for bothering you again, and thank you very much for providing the method to extract transient profile files. I have extracted profile files for all time steps and input them into the second calculation model. However, I am confused about defining the boundary conditions at the inlet. In the gauge total pressure for the pressure inlet, I selected to use the profile file I inputted. But I am not sure if this definition uses all the profile files I inputted or just the profile file from the last time step. If it only uses the profile file from the last time step, could you please tell me how to use all the profile files in the pressure inlet?

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee

      The process is same. Use Execute commands to read the profile data at required time steps ans apply the same profile to the pressure-inlet BC. Try using /file and /define TUI commands. Please refer the Ansys guide for more information on using TUI commands.

      • wang wen bo

        Thank you very much for your reply, can I continue to use the -%t method after the profile name when I use TUI commands to read the profile file

      • wang wen bo

        I'm sorry to bother you again, but I'm having trouble in reading the profile file.When reading a profile file using TUI Command, I found that I could only read one file at a time, and after defining it as an entry boundary condition, I don't know how to write TUI Command in execute command to read the profile file of the next time step and use it as the entry boundary condition.And there is no good answer to this question in the help document. Can you tell me how to write this TUI Command?Thank you very much!

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