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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

The problem is rotation.

    • javat33489
      Hi all.
      I'm simulating drilling. The first time I made a model as in the test version of LSTC:
      Everything worked.
      Now I made another model, in the form of a drill tip for concrete. And when I set rotation to the upper segment of the drill, the mesh is distorted. Why? I use exactly the same settings when I used a model like the LSTC. In the LSTC model, the drill did not touch the SPG (not lagrange mesh) die, but in the new model I made contact, could this be a problem? But if I turn off rotation and leave only translation, the drill doesn't distort:
      But if I turn off rotation and leave only translation, the drill doesn't distort:
      In addition, the drill compresses strongly when touched, although it is steel and the LNG die is made of concrete. Previously, this did not happen with the same settings:
    • Tonmoy

      Hi javat33489,


      Though I can’t help you with your problem, I’m interested to know how did you do the mesh? Did you use the LS-PrePost or did you use third party meshing tools out there?



      - Tonmoy.



      • javat33489

        Sir, I made the mesh in LS-Dyna ACT in Workbench.

      • javat33489

        sir, I also tried to build a grid in the LS-Dyna perpost:

      • javat33489

        Sir, I also tried changing the rotation speed to advance (revolutions) for the test, still the same(

    • javat33489

      Sir, I even tried not to rotate the drill and not to move, but to move the SPG die, but then they are greatly distorted. I don't understand why this is happening.

    • javat33489

      I also tried different types of meshes and changed the geometry:

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