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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Sync changes in SpaceClaim to AEDT

    • Yufeng.Liu

      I am connecting SpaceClaim to AEDT but I found the CAD change in SpaceClaim not updated in AEDT. Is that something wrong or something missing from myside. Or they are not synced in design?

    • Aymen Mzoughi
      Ansys Employee

      If SpaceClaim is running with the desired model open, use Modeler > SpaceClaim Link > Connect to Active Session in Ansys Electronics Desktop.
      If SpaceClaim is not running or a different model is open, use Modeler > SpaceClaim Link > Browse to navigate and select the model file.

      • Yufeng.Liu

        Hi Aymen,

        Thank you very much for reply. But your answer didn't hit my question. 
        I am using "Modeler > SpaceClaim Link > Connect to Active Session" to link an active spaceclaim case. But the changes I made in Spaceclaim is not reflected in AEDT. That is my question. Like I delete or move an object should it be reflected in AEDT immediately or I have to do something to make it work in AEDT?

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