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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

symmetry condition

    • hasan.mustafa.moayad

      hello, everybody,
      I'm working on Ansys Fluent CFD to simulate a solar (water- air) collector.
      In the simulation, I divided the collector into two equal parts to simulate one-half of the collector because the second half will behave like the first one. So, I define "Symmetry wall" as a named selection in the mesh.
      My question is, will I do the right simulation and the results be the same for the second half? Or do I have to simulate the whole collector?

      I really appreciate any help you can provide.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What is the incident angle of the solar load?

    • hasan.mustafa.moayad

      Dear Rob, I didn't activate the radiation mode rather, I have a heat flux on one surface.

      I'm asking if I do the correct thing in creating the symmetric B.C. or I need to simulate the whole collector?

      Thank you.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Do you add heat to just the "bottom"? Symmetry is only suitable if the geometry and flow are both symmetrical: are they?

    • hasan.mustafa.moayad

      Dear Rob, the heat flux is applied to the upper face of the "absorber".

      Both geometry and flow are symmetrical.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      So you should be OK. But.... Remember the buoyant effects may be fairly unstable so end effects may be interesting. 

    • hasan.mustafa.moayad

      Dear Rob, I want to ask you, how does Ansys fluent deal with the surroundings (I mean the space outside my geometry)? because I have convection B.C. on the top of the air volume (green colored), I put both the convection coefficient and free stream temperature. So, will the convection be between the green-colored surface and the surroundings? or between the green surface and the air volume?  

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