Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

Student Liscence error

    • Ishaan Jain

      Followed instructions properly, the setup gave error code 1 and had this dialogue box whenever try to start Ansys Electronics student. 
      Can anyone please help

    • ANSYS_MMadore
      Ansys Employee

      Please search the forum for the message "System clock has been set back" and follow the suggested solutions on existing posts.

    • Ishaan Jain

      Searched the complete forum, It says there are some files made in future somehow saved in my PC, How would I identify them Like even after searching using a 3rd party Application oand using Cmd I can't find any. The link present in most fo the forums doesn't exist any longer too.

    • ANSYS_MMadore
      Ansys Employee

      Please refer to this post on the Flexera site:

      There must be some file causing the issue.

      If problems persist, perhaps there are some third party products which may find and fix these files, you may search for them online, but they should be used with caution and are not endorsed by us.

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