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Stuck with Electromagnet Design

    • ragu4u
    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee
      Hi,nThis is my understanding of your application - When you excite the rotating pole coil, drum will be pulled towards the pole. Once it is attracted to the pole both will rotate together.nBelow is the response to your questions.n1) you can assign force excitation to the drum to find out the amount of force acting on the drum. You should be knowing your force requirement, that is how much force does it take to pull the drum toward the Pole to decide whether the force is sufficient for you to pull the Drum. This will depend on the assembly of your drum and what all other frictional forces acting on it, like a spring connected to the drum to pull it back when the coil is turned off.n2) You can run parametric analysis by setting current as a variable and plot the current vs force to know how much current you need to obtain the necessary force.n3) Yes you can do this simulation in Maxwell till the electromagnetics part that I have explained above.nn
    • ragu4u
      Thanks Sir For your replay.nIts a system for measuring torque of a motor.nMotor which is going to be tested is connected to pole of drive . So pole will rotates. Then excitation will be given. Pole becomes magnet. So it will atttact drum. drum also rotates. Drum rotation blocked using a stopper. A load cell is attactched to stopper.Hence its torque can seen in load cell.nnThis is my system. n1. Which force should I consider for this application. Is it drum weight?. n2. Is this weight is my objective for Electromagnet Design??.
    • ragu4u
      Motor to be tested specification is N=500rpm T=0.7Nm n
    • Navya C
      Ansys Employee
      Your question is being answered here.n/forum/discussion/21642/eddy-current-dynamometer-designn*For better and streamlined support, please refrain from creating duplicate posts.n
    • ragu4u
      Ok sirnthank younn
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