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Stray Loss Computation of Power Transformer in Ansys Maxwell.

    • gurunadh

      Dear all,

      I am having problem in Stray loss computation using Ansys Maxwell.

      Kindly anyone suggest for the material properties of copper, core and mild steel.

      and Impedance boundary setting.

      How to check the stray loss on structural parts of transformer.






    • Tamami Yamanaka
      Ansys Employee


      You can refer to the pre-installed Maxwell example: File > Open Examples > Maxwell > Transformers Power > PowerTransformer.aedt
      This transformer example shows how to set impedance boundary conditions to the tank and clamps, apply materials, and plot stray losses as surface loss fields.

    • gurunadh

      Hello sir

      thank you, your reply is very much helpfull to me.

      In the example provided, Relative permeability of core is considered 5000 and bulk conductivity is considered 0.

      is there any reason for this consideration?


    • Tamami Yamanaka
      Ansys Employee


      The Maxwell 3D: PowerTransformer example aims to compare linear and nonlinear impedance boundary losses at the tank walls and clamps of an oil-filled power transformer. The core steel settings are simplified.

    • gurunadh

      Hello sir

      Is there any other examples on Impedance boundary simulation of Power Transformer for stray loss computation.

    • Tamami Yamanaka
      Ansys Employee


      I’m afraid we do not have any other opened example models available for licensed users.
      Please refer to the online help for information on impedance boundary condition settings.

      Ansys Maxwell Help 2025 R1 > Assigning Boundaries and Excitations for 3D Designs > Eddy Current T-Omega Boundaries and Excitations > Assigning an Impedance Boundary
      Ansys Maxwell 2025 R1 - Assigning an Impedance Boundary for the Eddy Current Solver




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