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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Straight segment becomes warped while sweeping on SpaceClaim 24R1 (student)

    • Alex Chiella

      Not much to say here: building a very simple geometry from scratch on a new file, I notice that some bent figure appears in place of the right circular cylinder that I was expecting on the given path section.

      I tried deleting the path section the straight segment was chained to (it was a tangent arc), but the software still acts as if there was a direction change before the endpoint.


      I don't think I have used any obscure feature to make this mess. I'm open to any kind of suggestion and still hope some of you will point to something wrong I did, but I'm afraid this post will just serve as a bug report.

      The one question I'm sure you can help with is another one: shall I work around the issue till I get the proper geometry? Or should I scrap it altogether and retry?
      Because I don't want to have further issues down the line.

      Thank you, always!

    • peteroznewman

      The correct way to create the path is to draw the first straight line, change to the Tangent Arc tool to draw the bend making sure to specify a bend diameter that is at least 2x larger than the tube diameter. In this example, the bend diameter is 50 mm. The 30 degree bend angle is also specified.

      Then use the Tangent Arc tool to draw the next straight segment.

      Select the end point of the first line to create a plane and sketch a circle. In this example, the circle diameter is 24 mm.

    • Atharv Joshi
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Alex, 

      You can refer to the above post by Peter for creating bend pipe section. 
      Once you create the sketch, circular surface you can use the Sweep options from the Pull Tool. 
      Select the circular surface, activate sweep options, double click on the path to select the loop and enter. 

      Let me know if you face any issue. 

      Thanks and Regards

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