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Storing and plotting values in UDM

    • Zwernjayden

      I basically want to store the value of r, for each face, and plot it vs axial position. When I try this, its just a constant line at 0. I turned on a udm location and node memery location but is there anything else I have to do?

      #include "udf.h"
      #define rho 950 // kg/m^3
      #define Hg 2033631 // J/Kg
      #define Hf -310000 // J/Kg
      #define T_ref 298 // K
      #define A1 0.01104 // m/s
      #define A2 3.9648 // m/s
      #define Cp 1500 // J/(Kg*K)
      #define E1 20557.188 // J/mol
      #define E2 55893.78 // J/mol
      #define R_u 8.314 // J/(mol*K)
      #define alpha 0.3
      DEFINE_PROFILE(surface_temperature_profile, t, position)
          face_t f;
          real Ts, heat_flux, heat, a_face, Hv, r, Ts_old, Ts_new, error, Ts_new_prime, Area[ND_ND];
          real radial_position;
          real centroid[ND_ND];
          int iter;
          begin_f_loop(f, t)
              Ts = F_T(f, t);  // Current temperature at the face
              heat = BOUNDARY_HEAT_FLUX(f, t);  // Heat transfer at face f in watts
              F_AREA(Area, f, t);  // Get the area vector of the face
              a_face = NV_MAG(Area);  // Magnitude of the face area
              // Calculate the radial position of the face centroid
              F_CENTROID(centroid, f, t);
              radial_position = centroid[1]; // Assuming the radial position is the y-coordinate in 2D axisymmetric
              // Heat flux for the circumferential area
              heat_flux = (heat*2*M_PI*radial_position) / a_face; // Heat flux in W/m^2
              printf("Heat flux on face %d: %g W/m^2\n", f, heat_flux);
              Ts_old = Ts;
              iter = 0;
              error = 1;
              while (error > 1e-6 && iter < 100)
                  Hv = Hg - Hf + Cp * (Ts - T_ref);  // Calculation heat of formation
                  r = (fabs(heat_flux)) / (Hv * rho);  // Regression rate
                  if (Ts_old > 722)
                      Ts_new = E1 / (R_u * (log(A1) - log(r)));  // New surface temperature for high temperature
                      Ts_new = E2 / (R_u * (log(A2) - log(r)));  // New surface temperature for low temperature
                  error = fabs(Ts_new - Ts_old);  // Error calculation
                  Ts_old = Ts_new;  // Update Ts_old for next iteration
                  iter++;  // Increment iteration count
              Ts_new_prime = Ts + (alpha * (Ts_new - Ts)); 
      r = (fabs(heat_flux)) / (Hv * rho);
      // Store r in UDM
              F_UDMI(f, t, 0) = r;  // Assuming the UDM index is 0
              printf("New Temp %d: %g K\n", f, Ts_new_prime);
              printf("r_dot %d: %g mm/s\n", f, r*1000);
              F_PROFILE(f, t, position) = Ts_new_prime;  // Update the face temperature profile
          end_f_loop(f, t)
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/Secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v241/en/flu_udf/flu_udf_DataAccessMacros.html%23x1-5030004.2.9  might explain the issue?

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