November 1, 2017 at 5:27 pmallianceftwSubscriber
Hello there, I need to convert or open my .stl file with in ANSYS software.I have tried so many things but I could not make it somehow.Does anyone know how can I achieve it ? I read some posts about using Spaceclaim,however I do not have any knowledge about Spaceclaim.Can anyone explain please?Â
Thanks. -
November 1, 2017 at 5:56 pmpeteroznewmanSubscriber
SpaceClaim is the new geometry editing software that is included with ANSYS Student 18.2, which you can download by clicking on the DOWNLOAD FREE SOFTWARE > blue link above on the right.
SpaceClaim can open STL files. I recommend you click the Options button and make the following settings (except use the correct units for the dimensions in the STL file).
November 1, 2017 at 8:54 pmallianceftwSubscriber
My problem was not also opening .stl files. I also would like to export it to some form that I can use in ANSYS for meshing/force anylsis etc.So,after I import stl file, I should export it to what form of file ?
November 1, 2017 at 9:11 pmpeteroznewmanSubscriber
SpaceClaim is integrated with the ANSYS Student and ANSYS AIM software for meshing, applying forces and supports then calculating deformations and stresses. You get all that when you install ANSYS Student 18.2 or ANSYS AIM 18.2. Both are available free on that blue button near the top right of this page. ANSYS AIM is the easier product to start learning analysis if you have no prior experience with ANSYS Mechanical.
After you have AIM installed, you would Start a Static Structural analysis and it will present choices for geometry. You will select Define new geometry, then SpaceClaim will start and you can open the STL file with the options I showed above.
November 1, 2017 at 9:19 pmallianceftwSubscriber
Thank you so much for quick response.Have a good day .I will write a feedback for later questions of students in case someone has the same problems .Have a good day
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