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STL Convertion

    • ds286

      Hello! I am importing a STL file for Fluent analysis. I have used SKIN Surface and repairing the sharp edges. I havent been able to accurately import it to use it. What strategies should I use??!

      When I first tried to import it I was directly converting it to CAD in SC [SpaceClaim] but it had a lot of protrusions/sharp edges that the software cannot fix. They were fixed separately and I imported the STL again but then it appeared an error that it coudnt generate because of "14 open edges". I have also tried Quad Remesh in Rhino and downloading it as an IGS file but it didnt work either.

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      I assume you have a STL file which you want to use for fluid analysis in Fluent. 

      STL contanins all faceted data. For such files there are 2 approaches. 

      1. Use fault tolerant workflow in Fluent Meshing to generate mesh. Please check ANSYS Fluent: Fault Tolerant Meshing Workflow - YouTube
      2. Use reverse engineering in SpaceClaim to generate geometry from STL and then proceed to mesh that geometry. Please check Reverse Engineering with ANSYS SpaceClaim - YouTube



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    • ds286

      Thank you Keyur! I have tried the reverse engineering, (on my previous comment I used the AutoSkin Surface in Space Claim, but then it appeared an error that it coudn't generate because of "14 open edges"). So, I have moved on to using your first suggestion of fault tolerant workflow. I am using it currently (IT IS WORKING!), if I am doing external flow, how would you recommend is the best option for extracting edge features?

      How can I improve the fidelity of the geometry (changing mesh default field ratio perhaps)?

      So far the geometry is not acurrately captured.

      I look forward to continuing this conversation! Thank you

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