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Steam-volume zone connect to a volume mesh

    • Yeni Li

      Hello, I have a heat exchanger model, with the shell side working fluid as steam and water as the working fluid at the tube side.

      I finished and check the CAD in SpaceClaim; did Volume Extract to define the steam volume (Steam-volume) and water volume (Water-volume); and created NS for groups (steam hot, steam cold, water hot and water cold).

      Then I load this geometry in FLUENT using watertight geometry. When I tried to create the mesh, it suggested me to use share topology. Then I got this error message "Steam-volume zone connect to a volume mesh". Could anyone help me with this? Thanks

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee
      To get conformal mesh you will need to do share topology in SpaceClaim. Please go through help manual for more details : https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v221/en/spaceclaim/Discovery/user_manual/st_sharetopology.html?q=share%20topology Please check following videos DM Share topology:
      SpaceClaim Share topology:
      Fluent Meshing Watertight Workflow:
      Regards, Keyur How to access Ansys Online Help Document Guidelines on the Student Community Fluids Engineering Courses | Ansys Innovation Courses
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