General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

Static Structural Solving Issue

    • rani.a


      I am performing static structural analysis for an imported design file in .stp format.
      I have removed all the existing contacts and re-created all the contacts for the entire assembly with bonded function.

      I have applied only a force (F1) of 1962N(200kg) lift on the top face and a force(F2) acting as a load inside the body of 833.85N(85kg).
      I have not given any supports/displacements or any other inputs.

      I have turned on the large deflections to ON and made stiffness matrix of all the contacts to 0.01 factor.

      Yet, I am getting the below errors/warnings:


      Can somebody help with a quick solution!



    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      See this video explaining the error messages -

      Also look at our other free Ansys courses on how to use and set up models correctly.

      All the best



    • rani.a

      Got it thanks!
      Will check and get back if i find any further issues!

    • John Hicks

      Your model is basically flying to infinity because you're not constraining it with an displacements or fixed supports. Thats why your UY value at node 303358 is 2M+

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