

Static Structural 计算的变形后的几何导入spaceclaim

    • Huadong Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Static Structural 计算的变形后的几何导入spaceclaim

    • Huadong Sun
      Ansys Employee
      Follow the below procedure:
      -1. First run Static Structural with solution containing desired deformation results. In Analysis setting’s keep Save DB option on.
      -2. Link solution to a new Mechanical Model, and then link this Mechanical Model to Geometry.
      -3. Update the Mechanical Model & open the geometry in SpaceClaim.
      -4. Generate the part in SpaceClaim, Click on file and export the geometry as a .stp format.
      -5. Import the .stp format geometry in SpaceClaim (standalone system) and use save as option to save the geometry as .dwg file format.
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