We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


Static Structural 计算的变形后的几何导入spaceclaim

    • Huadong Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Static Structural 计算的变形后的几何导入spaceclaim

    • Huadong Sun
      Ansys Employee
      Follow the below procedure:
      -1. First run Static Structural with solution containing desired deformation results. In Analysis setting’s keep Save DB option on.
      -2. Link solution to a new Mechanical Model, and then link this Mechanical Model to Geometry.
      -3. Update the Mechanical Model & open the geometry in SpaceClaim.
      -4. Generate the part in SpaceClaim, Click on file and export the geometry as a .stp format.
      -5. Import the .stp format geometry in SpaceClaim (standalone system) and use save as option to save the geometry as .dwg file format.
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