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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Speeding Up Geometry Import to Mechanical

    • Octavio Araujo Mori

      In Workbench I have a two modules, a geometry module & a static structural module. The geometry module is linked to the static structural's geometry.

      The standalone geometry module is SpaceClaim geometry and consists of a large number of line bodies with shared topology to a surface. I use the "Share" option for the component containing these bodies to share topology (instead of the manual way via the ribbon menu).

      When I refresh workbench or open mechanical in order to update/import the geometry into the static structural module it takes hours for the model to update. I suspect this is due to my large number of shared topology bodies. SpaceClaim must be running a background process to imprint and share topology, then 'feed' that into mechanical. 

      Is there a way to speed up the refresh time it takes for spaceclaim to do this? Is there any benefit from using Design Modeler instead? Any advice from the community? It just seems like the background process SpaceClaim is running is very slow.

    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      How many bodies do you have, can you use bonded contacts instead of using shared topology? also, are there any interferences in the model, if you have them shared topo operation would first remove the interfernces and then share topo. Also, which share topo operation are you using ins SpaceClaim? the one under properties of component or under Workbench ribbon tab?


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    • Octavio Araujo Mori

      Let's assume I have 100,000 bodies (and I need these). I don't think bonded contact would be efficient, reason I need shared topo.

      I'm certain I have no interferences. I know the vertices of my line bodies are coincident with the surface.

       The shared topo operation I'm doing in SpaceClaim is the one for componenet properties:

      Shared Topology Property Selection


      I've been refraining from doing ribbon menu Workbench>Share b/c is takes a while and have seen no benefit on import time to Mechanical.

      Would APDL be a better route for this?

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