3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Spaceclaim temp files

    • Marc


      Can anyone tell me how to prevent Spaceclaim creating all these random files (I know its Spaceclaim as as soon as you open and save files in Spaceclaim you can watch these files being created)? 

      There are thousands of them chewing through the server storage space. I have a feeling they are supposed to be temp files, but it appears Spacelcaim isn't very good at tidying its own mess.

      To see them you will need to turn on show hidden files in the windows file explorer.

      The worst part is the file extensions are all random, so you can't just do a search for them and delete them all at once. You have to browse through all your folders and clean them manually, and then repeat that process every so often as they will be created again anytime somone opens the files in those folders. You also can't exclude them from backups becuase of the random file extensions.

      This has been happening for a while now, so pre 2021 R1 (our current version). Between this and the file size growth issue here, Space claim files grow in size…, Spaceclaim is bringing our file server to its knees consuming space that it shouldn't need.

    • Devendra Badgujar
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Marc, 

      Do these temp files increase the file size for you? Have you tried Discovery which is now primary geometry application from Ansys?




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