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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Spaceclaim Scripting TypeError: expected Plane, got Plane

    • Niklas Sellmann


      i try to create an ACT wizard extension for spaceclaim. I already wrote a code that creates a geometry in spaceclaim and it works fine when i start it directly in the scripting extension of spaceclaim.

      For the ACT version i have an issue with the creation of a planar body. The following part of the code creates an error:

      import clr
      import units
      import time


      from SpaceClaim.Api.V23.Geometry import *
      from SpaceClaim.Api.V23.Modeler import *


      #polGen is a List[ITrimmedCurve] of curvesegments
      face1 = PlanarBody.Create(refPlane, polGen)
      body1= face1.CreatedBody


      The row, where PlanarBody.Create is executed, creates the following error in the ACT Log console:

      TypeError: expected Plane, got Plane

      I can't find a solution to this problem, does anybody know how to solve this?

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      This should help (change v19 to v23 in the below script).


      Should you have any more questions post it in that forum (dedicated to scripting)

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