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Spaceclaim Scripting – Accessing model elements smarter

    • Bjørn Hartmann


      I am quite new to spaceclaim and spaceclaim scripting. I am trying to build a parametrized script to generate a geometry, which i think will be valuable considering the number of very similar models i build.

      However, I am having a hard time getting around selection the variables in my model (curves, points, surfaces ...) without having to use something like
      index = [GetRootPart().Curves[i].GetName() for i in range(len(GetRootPart().Curves))].index(name) and then GetRootPart().Curves[index].GetChildren[ICurvePoint]()[0]....

      Is there no direct way for me to assign a named curve for example to a parameter?

    • Atharv Joshi
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Hartmann, 

      You can try creating a named selection and then use the below command to set the selection.
      Curve is selected and added as a named selection Group 1.


      Please refer to this course on Scripting in Ansys Discovery where is covers various selection. Ansys Discovery Scripting - Access Objects | Ansys Courses

      Thanks and Regards

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