3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

SpaceClaim Python API: Extruding Rectangle Sketch

    • Sterling Butters

      Below is my code generated with the record feature:

      # Set New Sketch
      result = SketchHelper.StartConstraintSketching()
      # EndBlock
      # Sketch Rectangle
      point1 = Point2D.Create(MM(17),MM(-18))
      point2 = Point2D.Create(MM(-20),MM(-18))
      point3 = Point2D.Create(MM(-20),MM(24))
      result = SketchRectangle.Create(point1, point2, point3)
      # EndBlock
      # Solidify Sketch
      mode = InteractionMode.Solid
      result = ViewHelper.SetViewMode(mode, Info6)
      # EndBlock
      # Extrude 1 Face
      selection = Face1
      options = ExtrudeFaceOptions()
      options.KeepMirror = True
      options.KeepLayoutSurfaces = False
      options.KeepCompositeFaceRelationships = True
      options.PullSymmetric = False
      options.OffsetMode = OffsetMode.IgnoreRelationships
      options.Copy = False
      options.ForceDoAsExtrude = False
      options.ExtrudeType = ExtrudeType.Cut
      result = ExtrudeFaces.Execute(selection, MM(-21.37), options, Info7)
      # EndBlock
      I must say I really don't like the automatic creation of the metadata objects. In this case I would like to create an appropriate face/selection from SketchRectangle.Create(point1, point2, point3) that I can pass to ExtrudeFaces.Execute(selection, MM(-21.37), options) but I can't seem to figure out how to select that face. Please advise, thanks!
    • mjmiddle
      Ansys Employee


      You can set index selection method:


    • mjmiddle
      Ansys Employee

      Also, creating a robust script is different than the actions a user would normally use in the GUI.

      You want to get the returned entities from creation functions. Most results have a list of a specific type underneath, such as .CreatedPlanes .CreatedCurves, .CreatedBodies, CreatedFaces, etc...
      face1 = result.CreatedFaces[0]

      You can use dir(result) to see the objects underneath.

      Use .GetCreated to get entities of a type:
      result = DatumPlaneCreator.Create(origin, Direction)
      plane1 = result.GetCreated[IDatumPlane]()

      Also, you want to use bottom-up type methodology so you don't lose a reference to the previous entities created. So that means: create points/curves, then faces, then bodies. When sketching , you'll want to turn on "Layout sketch" in the options.

      This will record the command:

      SketchHelper.LayoutCurves = True

      So you'll just have curves when you go to 3D mode. You will need to create a surface with Fill or Blend, but you'll still have the curve references when you go to 3D and you'll then have the surface reference when you create the surface.

      ClearAll()    # good to do this at the beginning so you always start from the same state, and entity indices don't continue from some previously defined indices
      extrudeDepth = MM(40)
      BaseLength = MM(20)
      BaseWidth = MM(16)
      # Set Sketch Plane
      sectionPlane = Plane.PlaneXY
      result = ViewHelper.SetSketchPlane(sectionPlane, None)
      # Set Layout Curves
      SketchHelper.LayoutCurves = True
      # Sketch Line
      start = Point2D.Create(MM(0), MM(0))
      end = Point2D.Create(BaseLength, MM(0))
      result = SketchLine.Create(start, end)
      crv1 = result.CreatedCurves[0]
      # Sketch Line
      start = Point2D.Create(BaseLength, MM(0))
      end = Point2D.Create(BaseLength, BaseWidth)
      result = SketchLine.Create(start, end)
      crv2 = result.CreatedCurves[0]
      # Sketch Line
      start = Point2D.Create(BaseLength, BaseWidth)
      end = Point2D.Create(MM(0), BaseWidth)
      result = SketchLine.Create(start, end)
      crv3 = result.CreatedCurves[0]
      # Sketch Line
      start = Point2D.Create(MM(0), BaseWidth)
      end = Point2D.Create(MM(0), MM(0))
      result = SketchLine.Create(start, end)
      crv4 = result.CreatedCurves[0]
      # Solidify Sketch
      mode = InteractionMode.Solid
      result = ViewHelper.SetViewMode(mode, None)
      # Extrude 1 Edge
      selection = Selection.Create(crv1)
      options = ExtrudeEdgeOptions()
      pnt1 = crv1.Shape.StartPoint
      result = ExtrudeEdges.Execute(selection, pnt1, Direction.DirZ, extrudeDepth, options)
      face1 = result.CreatedFaces[0]
      body1 = face1.Parent
      # Extrude 1 Edge
      selection = Selection.Create(crv2)
      pnt1 = crv2.Shape.StartPoint
      result = ExtrudeEdges.Execute(selection, pnt1, Direction.DirZ, extrudeDepth, options)
      face2 = result.CreatedFaces[0]
      body2 = face2.Parent
      # Extrude 1 Edge
      selection = Selection.Create(crv3)
      pnt1 = crv3.Shape.StartPoint
      result = ExtrudeEdges.Execute(selection, pnt1, Direction.DirZ, extrudeDepth, options)
      face3 = result.CreatedFaces[0]
      body3 = face3.Parent
      # Extrude 1 Edge
      selection = Selection.Create(crv4)
      pnt1 = crv4.Shape.StartPoint
      result = ExtrudeEdges.Execute(selection, pnt1, Direction.DirZ, extrudeDepth, options)
      face4 = result.CreatedFaces[0]
      body4 = face4.Parent
      # Fill
      selection = Selection.Create([crv1,crv2,crv3,crv4])
      secondarySelection = Selection.Empty()
      options = FillOptions()
      result = Fill.Execute(selection, secondarySelection, options, FillMode.ThreeD, None)
      face5 = result.CreatedFaces[0]
      body5 = face5.Parent
      # Merge Bodies
      targets = BodySelection.Create(body1)
      tools = BodySelection.Create(body2, body3, body4, body5)
      result = Combine.Merge(targets, tools)
      # Fix Missing Face
      options = FixMissingFacesOptions()
      result = FixMissingFaces.FindAndFix(options, None)
      #FixMissingFaces.FindAndFix does not return the faces creates. Knowing only one hole will be filled, get the last face in the list:
      face6 = body1.Faces[-1]    # Only body1 is left since all the other bodies were tool bodies to merge to body1
      # Create Named Selection Group
      primarySelection = BodySelection.Create(body1)
      secondarySelection = Selection.Empty()
      result = NamedSelection.Create(primarySelection, secondarySelection)
      result = NamedSelection.Rename("Group1", "My Body1")
      # Create Named Selection Group
      primarySelection = FaceSelection.Create(face1)
      secondarySelection = Selection.Empty()
      result = NamedSelection.Create(primarySelection, secondarySelection)
      result = NamedSelection.Rename("Group1", "My face1")

      At the end, I still had the faces and body I could place in a named selection.
      I did choose to use "Repair > Missing Faces" to make face6, and this does not return the face created, so I just got last face in the list. This is not the best means of creation if you wanted to track face6 to place in a named selection. It may be better to create all the wireframe edges of the body, and Fill or Blend each surface instead of pulling the 4 edges like I did so that you can track more explicitly all 6 faces made from the fill or blend operation.

    • Sterling Butters

      @mjmiddle Your first answer is really what I wanted. I can't believe I missed that setting. Thank you so much!

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