3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

[SpaceClaim] how to update an imported part?

    • e.bakhtyary

      Hi, I have a question that may seem trivial but I need your help.

      How could it be possible to update an imported part (in my case, a 3D curve as a *.txt file) in a SpaceClaim system during an automation process (automatic geometry and meshing generation in a workbench project)? 

      I mean, in DesignModeler, there is an option called "Refresh", which users can turn on or off, like:

      Is there any similar option in SpaceClaim? or do I have to Reset the Geometry bloc in the Workbench, and regenerate the geometry with the updated curve from the beginning?


    • Gary_S
      Ansys Employee

      There is no option to just do this sort of update from an input file. It may be possbile with Block Recording (SpaceClaim) or History Tracking (Discovery) along with some python scripting on your behalf. 





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