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Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

SpaceClaim how to split a fluid domain into 2

    • jiangtao.lu

      I recently switch from DesignModeller to SpaceClaim and did not find the "slice material" function. I use Fluent MRF to simulation mixing tank, which requires a rotating zone around the mixer. The static zone and rotating zone should be in one part for consistent meshing. Can anyone please help? Thanks. 

    • peteroznewman

      In SpaceClaim, create a solid for the static zone then hide that solid. Create another solid for the rotating zone. Unhide the static zone solid then use the Combine tool to subtract the rotating zone from the static zone. You might end up with three solids. Delete the extra copy of the rotating zone that was created by the Combine tool. Now you will have two zones with no overlap. On the Workbench tab, click on the Share button.  This creates shared topology in the same way that "Form New Part" does in DesignModeler.

      • jiangtao.lu

        Thank you very much. I had a trial, and looks good. Just to double check, after above steps, I create other internals as solid (by hidden static and rotating zones) and subsequently create one "enclosure" for static and rotating zone each. Am I correct? 

    • peteroznewman

      Enclosure is used to make an external domain around an object such as a solid wing in a stream of air.

      You have a tank, so the inside surfaces of the walls of the tank define the faces of the static zone.

      Hide the mixer and make the rotating zone solid, then hide that too.

      On the Prepare tab, use Volume Extract to fill the tank and all its static internal features with a fluid solid. If there is a free surface, create a plane and slice the top of the Volume Extract solid to delete the top of the tank volume to create the free surface.

      Now unhide the rotating solid and use the Combine tool to subtract that from the Volume Extract static solid.

      Now unhide the mixer and use the Combine tool to subtract that from the rotating solid.

      Now you can delete the mixer solid and be left with two solids: the static zone and the rotating zone, then you can use the Share button on the Workbench tab.

      • jiangtao.lu

        thanks, I did as you described. I found one different point from the geometry created by DesignModeler that in meshing all internal faces, once selected, are green highlighted inwards instead of outwards. Is this the special feature of SpaceClaim that Volume Extract creates a fluid solid rather than a fluid? 

    • peteroznewman

      The volume extracted solid in SpaceClaim has no special feature, it is the same as all other solids.

      When you use the Share button in SpaceClaim, it shows in green highlighting which face pairs will be replaced with a shared face.

      When you open the geometry in Mesh, you can identify the body as a Fluid.


      • jiangtao.lu



        Thank you very much for the help. 




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