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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

[SpaceClaim] how to preserve curves when going into Ansys Meshing?

    • e.bakhtyary


      Is there any possibility that curves could be included in the geometry in SpaceClaim?

      I realized that, apparently, curves could not be preserved in the geometry in Ansys Meshing if they come from SpaceClaim (which is not happening if it's done in DesignModeler). Since I'm meshing in 2D, I need curves along with the main surface to capture the curvature more smoothly.  

      DesignModeler produces 2 parts, surfaces AND curves, which result in fine grids in Ansys Meshing. In SpaceClaim, only the surface parts are sent to the AnsysMeshing. However, I'm doing automation, and scripting in DesignModeler is quite arduous for me, I haven't found any tutorial about it.

      Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • peteroznewman

      By default, Line Bodies are unchecked in the Geometry Properties in Workbench.  Try checking Line Bodies and unchecking Solid Bodies.

      • e.bakhtyary

        Thanks for your answer. I've just tried that, but the curves are still missing in Ansys Meshing. I dunno why SpaceClaim omits curves while passing the geometry to the Ansys Meshing bloc........It is really annoying!😠

    • peteroznewman

      In SpaceClaim, I have a surface that I want to shell mesh, I also want circular beam elements along the edges of the surface to stiffen the structure.

      Step 1. Select the edge curves of the surface, type Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, to copy edges and paste curves.

      Step 2. On the Prepare tab, click the Profiles button and select a cross-section for the beam. I chose Circle for this example.

      Step 3. Edit the Beam Profile to give it the radius you want.

      Step 4. Click on the Create button and click on each arc to convert it to a beam, also called a Line Body.

      Now I have 3 beams instead of 3 arcs.  Beams are imported into Mechanical along with surfaces for meshing.

      Good luck!

      • e.bakhtyary

        Thank you so much for your response and your time.

        I did your trick, but unfortunately, the problem with capturing the curvature persists. And also, the target curve is an imported airfoil coordinate, so I'm not sure about the proper profile selection.

        I've attached the pictures of the generated mesh:

        Before converting the airfoil to a beam:


        After converting:


        As you can see, the mesh cannot capture the curvature, which isn't the case in DesingModeler. The generated mesh from DM's geometry has no problem.

        I dunno why applying edge sizing and inflation is problematic in 2D...😟

    • peteroznewman

      My reply was irrelevant for your needs. You will get better answers if you include images to show your problem. 

      You don't need curves imported, the surface has edges. All you need to do is to apply mesh sizing controls to those edges and change some other mesh details such as Mesh Defeaturing to get the small curve at the end to mesh properly.

    • e.bakhtyary

      Thanks for your response. Yes, I did change the defeature size to 1e-5, and yes, I applied the sizing setting to the airfoil's edge at the first place. What confuses me is that while keeping the SAME configurations, the generated mesh cannot capture the curvature properly compared to that from DM. I dunno the source of this difference...

    • peteroznewman

      Why would you need any mesh defeaturing?  Set it to No, not Yes.  

      Did you try changing Use Adaptive Sizing from Yes to No?  That exposes the Capture Curvature option.

      Did you try using a Mesh Sizing control on the surface using Sphere of Influence?  That requires a Coordinate System to be created at the trailing edge.

    • e.bakhtyary

      Thanks for your reply. No, I didn't use adaptive meshing.

      Thanks, I will try turning off defeature option and see what will happen.

      Best 😉 

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