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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

SpaceClaim Error Failed to Thicken faceted body

    • red73mustang

      Hope this is the right place to ask, but I consistanly get this error in Space Claim when using the thicken tool for the inside of a model

      I've tried reapairing but nothing works.


      Thanks, Chet 

    • NickFL


      How “dirty” is the model? When the triangles are fully connected and are not smooth, then adding thickness can result in non-manifold bodies. If the surface you are trying to thicken is smooth, then you may be able to use the skin tool. See below for an example.



    • red73mustang

      I can upload the model but it seams that any file that I try gives the same results (Unless they're all "Dirty" files)  I was under the impression that SC can still thicken non-manifold models.  Will give the Skin-Tool a look.  Thanks.

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