3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Spaceclaim block recording

    • glab17

      Hi there is a way to exclude some operations from block recording in Spaceclaim without delete all the operations made before? I noticed that if I close blocks and I do some operations then the open again blocks it is empty.

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Typically, when you close blocks and then perform some operations, if you open the blocks again and find it empty, it suggests that the operations performed while the blocks were closed were not recorded. If you want to perform operations without them being recorded in a block, you would need to ensure that block recording is turned off during those operations. To manage block recording, you can turn it on or off as needed. When it's off, the operations you perform won't be captured in the blocks. Remember to turn it back on when you want to resume recording operations in blocks.




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