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Solving Two Way FSI over HPC

    • Syed Anas Nisar



      I am trying using HPC to solve two-way FSI from the Command Line Interface. I set up the entire problem coupling static structural and fluent on Workbench using system coupling. Over the workbench, I have already solved it and it generated results smoothly to validate the protocols. Then, I exported the setup by clicking on the setup of the System Coupling module inside the workbench and then uploaded the exported directory over HPC.


      The working directory consists of these folders and sub-folders;

      1) Fluent_1

          - fluent.cas

          - fluent.dat

          - fluent

      2) Mechanical_2

          - Mechanical.dat

          - Mechanical

      3) SyC

          - Settings

      4) export


      The .slurm file is calling these commands

      module purge

      module load ANSYS/2023R2

      unset SLURM_GTIDS

      $EBROOTANSYS/v*/SystemCoupling/bin/systemcoupling -R

      where consists of




      Now I am experiencing this error;

      To begin a coupled analysis setup, define at least two coupling participants, one interface, and one data transfer


      Can you please help me to solve this issue.



    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Anas,

      Just ensure that you are using correct files on your HPC and check if all the participants files are transferred to HPC.

      To run co-simulation at least two coupling participants, one interface, and one data transfer is necessary.

      I would recommend you to follow this workshop and refer to user manual to know more about workflow.

      Solving Co-Simulations from the Command Line ( and Reed Valve FSI Co-Simulation with Partial Setup Export from Workbench (Fluent-Mechanical) (

      Using Parallel Processing Capabilities (

      Hope this helps!

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