3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Solid deformation along the courve

    • Ayeon Hwang

      I'd like to bend another cylindrical solid model to a curved shape in spaceclaim, is there any way?

      Please reply to any of these.

    • peteroznewman

      I don't know of a way to deform a stent in SpaceClaim to so that a straight centerline deforms to the green curve.

      I do know that after the stent is meshed and there are nodes that have coordinates, it is possible to deform the nodal coordinates to the green curve.

      • Ayeon Hwang

        Thank you for your answer

        Could you explain the way you know?

    • peteroznewman

      This a simple example, which is to take a straight stent and “bend” it into a circular arc in the XZ plane.  The X axis is horizontal along the axis of the stent, and Z is vertical. Note that X=0, Z=0 at the center of the stent.

      In the ds.dat file are all the XYZ coordinates for every node in the mesh. Bring them into a spreadsheet.

      I used an equation of a circle of a given radius, tangent to the origin.  Given an X coordinate, the equation computes the Z coordinate of the circle. This is called the Sag equation in Optics. I simply used that equation to add an offset to every nodal Z coordinate using that node’s X coordinate.  Copy/Paste the new XYZ coodinates back into the ds.dat file and you have a curved stent.

      Note that this lateral shift is not a true “bending” of the stent, it is actually a shearing of the shape, but for small values of the Z offset, it is close enough and is really simple.  A more precise transformation would have computed the rotation of the cross-section, but that would be more complicated.

      For your case of a general 3D spline, you could extend my simple lateral shearing, but in two directions: Y and Z for each axial coordinate X.

    • camilla.gironi4

      Hi Ayeon, 

      I'm dealing with a similar problem. Did you succeded in giving the curved shape to the stent (also as peteroznewman suggested)?

      Thank you in advance, 


      • Ayeon Hwang

        Sorry, I didn't tag you.


        I didn't succeed in this problem.
        Now I'm trying with FEA.
        And as a related problem, I will find a solution using the active content model (ACM) algorithm.

        If you have any related opinions, I would appreciate it if you could tell me.

        Thank you.

    • Ayeon Hwang

      I didn't succeed in this problem.
      Now I'm trying with FEA.
      And as a related problem, I will find a solution using the active content model (ACM) algorithm.

      If you have any related opinions, I would appreciate it if you could tell me.

      Thank you.



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