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Solar water collector problems

    • Bastian Bruck

      Hello, im trying to simulate a solar water collector, but im having problems heating the water in the fluid region. My model consist of 3 volumes. The top one is the air pocket where the sun rays comes throught and heats up the copper volume which heats up the fluid region.  In the simulation i use the rosseland solar model

      The fluid should heat up, but it doesnt, it aactually heats up just decimals, and ive tried everything. Ive applied a sharing topolgy type of mesh, where everything should be conected and not non-conformal.

      As you can see, the copper is pretty hot, almost 400 kelvin, but the water stays cold, the inlet water velocity is 0.02m/s, and the tube diameter is like 5 cm.

      This is the outlet water temperature. Can someone help me solve this issue??

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Which radiation model are you using? The solar load model will add heat into the domain, but only to the walls. 

    • Bastian Bruck

      im using the rosseland model. Ive seen people doing simulations on a solar air heater, and heats up the walls and fluid it self, i dont know why mine hasnt work yet. i dont know what should i change in my model.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have you set the fluid  absorbtion coefficients? Check the tutorials in Fluent's Help and also the various courses in Learning on here. 

    • Bastian Bruck

      i havent found a solar collector like im making it. i need to heat up this fluid, how would you do it?, also i havent found any example like this in the ansys fluent guide or help tutorials, need help.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You won't. What you may well find are tutorials that cover aspects of your work - you then use the useful bits to guide your work. 

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