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Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

Single vs distributed processing

    • Zaid Abd Al-Hadi


      I have a PC with a 32-core, 64-thread CPU, and a 256GB of rams. how can I utilize all this to help speed up the simulation process in MAPDL?
      is it better to enable the distributed option or not? also, how can I include the GPU in the process?

      further, I ran a simulation while the distributed option is activated, when it finished, it gave 30 RST files, how can open all these files?

      best regards,

    • peteroznewman

      Ansys Structural models do not always solve in less time when you add more cores. There are diminishing reductions in elapsed time when going from 4 to 8 to 12 cores and at some point, the elapsed time will increase instead of decrease because the overhead of dividing the problem to run on all those cores and reassembling the results takes more time than is saved.

      Different models will have different benefits of adding cores.

      It is nearly always better to run Distributed Ansys than to turn that off.

      You don't have to do anything to reassemble the result files, that is automatically handled for you.

      • Zaid Abd Al-Hadi

        your help is appreciated,

        unfortunately, the rst files are not opening automatically, when I open the variable viewer, I'm only able to open one file, how to solve this?



    • peteroznewman

      Please describe how you are building models, solving and viewing results.

      Are you using Workbench or Mechanical APDL?

      • Zaid Abd Al-Hadi

        I'm using APDL, the model is very simple, just a square composite laminate modeled using APDL commands. simple description of the model: SHELL281 & REINF265, simply supported, pressure load applied on the top and then released, transient analysis, two load step files.

        for the results, I'm looking for the response of the node at the centroid in the z-direction.

        hope this is the info you asked about!

    • peteroznewman

      I use Workbench. Someone else may explain how to open results using Mechanical APDL.

      • Zaid Abd Al-Hadi

        no problem, your efforts are appreciated.

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