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Simulation sequence of rocky


    • Shyam Prasad V Atri

      Hello I am looking for simulation sequence chart for rocky. I looked through eh documentation and couldn't find it. can anyone say where I can find it.

      just an example this is the simulation sequence of Altair-EDEM (competitor of rocky)


    • Jackson Gomes
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Shyam Prasad V Atri.

      You will find all information you need in the Help Menu | Manuals | DEM Technical Manual.

      Best Regards.

    • Shyam Prasad V Atri

      Hey I have seen that documentation already this is the only sequence I saw

      But its ok I found what I was looking for its there in tutorial workshop 23

      Also, in your Rocky tutorials, which tutorials have UDF(User Defined Functions)/UDL(User Defined Libraries)/API(Application Programming Interfaces) with them? i see tutorial23 which talks about the API solver and I do not see any advanced tutorials that have APIs attached in the tutorial workshops. 

      Because Altair EDEM is very good in that regard, they have many examples of API tutorials. Please tell me where I can find similar tutorials with Rocky

    • Shyam Prasad V Atri

      Hello Jackson

      I did not hear anything from you do you have any examples of rocky API that I can access. i do not see that in the tutorials section.

      Just to give you some context

      please take a look at these links




      They have given it so nicely. I wanted to know if Rocky has something like this.

      Please let me know. I await for your response.

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