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Simulation of induced magnetic field

    • Jacob Sins

      I would like to simulate the magnetic field, along with its induced current on a pick up loop from a magnetic coil. I have tried doing so with eddy current solver but it only seems to show the induced current. How should I proceed? 

    • Reshmi Raghavan
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Jacob,

      Could you please provide more details on the query. 

    • Jacob Sins

      Hi Reshmi,

      I would like to use a pick up loop to pick up an induced magnetic field from an DC solenoid to apply to a quantum chip. However, the closest I am able to do is to simulate an induced current (The eddy current) on the pick up loop via the Eddy current solver. Is there a way simulate the induced magnetic field from the pick up loop as well instead of just the current? In the image attached, I am only able to get the induced current on a square pick up loop via eddy current solver but it does its magnetic field as a result of that current. 


    • Reshmi Raghavan
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Jacob,

      The induced current that you find in the pick up loop is as a result of the induced field. The magnetic field that you would be able to capture in the model will be the resultant field (feild generated by the solenoid coil+the field generated by the induced current in the pick up loop) .

    • Jacob Sins

      Hi Reshmi,

      I have extended the pick up loop for a better visual depiction. There does not seem to be a field coming out of the pick up loop, only the solenoid when I generate the B field over the entire area. Am I missing a step? 

    • Reshmi Raghavan
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Jacab,

      The behaviour you are observing is becuase of the strength of the mangetic field generated by the coil in comparison to the field generated by the induced current. The major flux path is drived by the coil magnetic field.

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