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Simulate two ports of MMI

    • minusunny

      I would like to simulate MMI , both ports. When i do the s-parameter extraction for the power  should i look at 

      abs^2(S11),abs^2(S12),abs^2(S13),abs^2(S14) - For the power at output ports because of port 1

       and abs^2(S31),abs^2(S32),abs^2(S33),abs^2(S34) -For the power at output ports because of port 3?

      Also , the values i get for transmission is different from S- parameter sweep (Same as T expansion monitor value) but that values does not make sense, but the Transmission 'T' values look reasonable.

      How can i get that value?

      How can i get transmission values from the s parameter sweep?

       Is there an alternate way to do this simulation ?


      Thank you


    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Minusunny,

      Thank you for reaching out to us. Have you gone through our application gallery example: Multi-Mode Interference (MMI) Coupler? I think the described procedure is very similar to what you want to achive.

      Kind Regards,


    • minusunny

      I am using SWG based MMI.  Can i use EME? I used FDTD for that. Can i use the same s parameter extraction for FDTD? Also, i did an s parameter sweep in FDTD and saved the sparameter value in lumerical format and exported it to the interconnect i got this error:

      SPAR_1: Fitting for '256' coefficients...

      SPAR_1: Error in fit is '0.00109188'.

      SPAR_1: Calculating filter coefficients at '1.931e+14' Hz ...

      SPAR_1: Fitting for '256' coefficients...

      SPAR_1: Error in fit is '0.00171933'.

      SPAR_1: Calculating filter coefficients at '1.931e+14' Hz ...

      SPAR_1: Fitting for '256' coefficients...

      SPAR_1: Error in fit is '0.0020334'.

      SPAR_1: Calculating filter coefficients at '1.931e+14' Hz ...

      SPAR_1: Fitting for '256' coefficients...

      SPAR_1: Error in fit is '0.00203526'.


      Is it because i did not use the right format to export?

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