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Simplify a 3D Model to 2D

    • kevin.pancardoa

      Hello everyone, I would like to replicate a NASA experimental study of a bell nozzle as part of my thesis project and then evaluate an aerospike nozzle under the same conditions. However I am facing a problem when trying to replicate the geometry of the injectors from 3D to 2D, as shown on the image it is a showerhead injector with 36 tubes, do you know how can I simplify this model into a 2D geometry to get accurate results as possible?

      My second question (since I do not have too much experience with this type of simulations), the 36 tubes are for the oxygen, but the fuel where is it supposed to be injected? As shown on the image from the paper I infer the fuel is injected in the rest of the plate where no oxygen tubes exist because I do not see any other injectors for fuel, let me know if I'm wrong.

      Finally, do you think this is a good paper to replicate or should I change it? Since it involves combustion process between hydrogen and oxygen, and choosing the right models and conditions to get accurate results as the experiment, this process is being frustrating since I have been trying for a couple of months with no success. I have experience using ansys with air only but my supervisor told me to replicate it but I have been on my own, I will attach the link to the paper if you want to take a look and give me your opinion. Thank you in advance.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      2d will be a problem as you don't have a swept cylindrical model. At best you can model a sector otherwise the likelihood of replicating the original work is slim. 

      Read the lower left section of text carefully. Then look up the Davy Lamp to see why they're doing it that way. 

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