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Shape Memory Alloy Deployment

    • Abdullah2.Hamdan

      Hey community!
      Currently working on a Shape memory alloy deployment project, which includes the bending of a Nitinol wire of diameter 8mm. The process begins by deformation of the wire by 90 degrees (Closed state of deployment) by rotation of surface plane, then unloading for some strain recovery, then phase transformation by temperature change back to its original state.(Opened state of deployment). All through a 6 step process

      The figure below presents part of the deformation (errors due to convergence issues), but this is under the super elastic model for SMA as a deformation of 90 degrees wouldn't work with just the Shape memory effect model, and you can't mix both models. What should I do in order to run the shape memory effect with the appropriate elasticity model, and how can I improve the mode to avoid any kind of errors like convergence errors. Any help would be great.






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